
Counterparty risk assessment

Modern business makes very strict demands on economic security, making it necessary to pay more attention to fighting fraud and assessing potential partners. It is very important to have a qualified and reliable source of information in order to be able to check foreign legal entities. The largest transnational corporations use for this purpose the solutions provided by Dun & Bradstreet, which became an industrial standard in this area.
  • DBAI system is an access to the world largest database of legal entities, amounting to more than 300 mln. companies. The system gives the opportunity to order business reports (BIR) on-line and to receive the most recent information. Global presence of D&B in all the world countries together with patented information quality control system DUNSRight provide the unique completeness and reliability of the provided data.
  • GRS is a database that gives the opportunity toimmediately receive short information on any company of the world. Search mechanisms of the system make it possible to find a company using any factor, such as the principal’s name, location, line of business or registration data. Using GRS, you can follow all the international corporate links of the company and assess it. Searching by the principal’s name you will find out which other world companies they are related to.

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