
The number of companies with ESG data in the global Dun & Bradstreet database has reached 79 million.

25 March 2024

Dun & Bradstreet, the largest global provider of corporate data, has increased the number of companies worldwide with sustainability information and ESG scoring to 79 million, up from 49 million a year ago.

In particular, for the first time such information appeared regarding Chinese companies.

Less than three years ago, when Dun & Bradstreet began a project to collect non-financial data, it covered only 10 million legal entities.

The basic set of ESG information includes several dozen key indicators, as well as industry comparisons and scoring.

In Russia, according to Interfax, standardized ESG data is available for only 600-700 companies.

The Dun & Bradstreet database contains information on more than 500 million unique legal entities from more than 200 countries. Dun & Bradstreet, in addition to traditional services, now also offers tools for managing ESG risks across supply chains, as well as for self-analysis and benchmarking in the ESG field.

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